Paper Publication in UGC Approved Journals is really a tuff task we provide you here the most up-to-date information, including Scopus metrics like CiteScore, SNIP, SJR, and details like the journal’s scope, aim, and impact factor, you would need to be in touch with our experts we provide you all novel services and also give you tips to complete your paper fast.
These are reputable journals in the networking field that are recognized for their quality and importance, and they are probably indexed in Scopus.IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management by us.
- Computer Networks (Elsevier)
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
- IEEE Network
- Wireless Networks (Springer)
- IEEE Wireless Communications
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier)
- Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier)
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Communications Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- Computer Communications (Elsevier)
- Network Science (Cambridge University Press)
- Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (Hindawi)
- Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)
- Mobile Networks and Applications (Springer)
- Networking Science (Springer)
- International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley)
- Sensors (MDPI) — Focuses on networking aspects of sensor technologies.
- International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SAGE)
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Elsevier)
- Journal of Communications and Networks
- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
- Future Internet (MDPI)
- Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
- Network and Computer Applications
- Journal of High Speed Networks
- Wireless Personal Communications (Springer)
- Journal of Internet Technology
- Telecommunication Systems (Springer)
- IEEE Transactions on Network Service Management
- International Journal of Network Management (Wiley)
- Journal of the Optical Society of America B (Optical Physics)
- Photonic Network Communications (Springer)
- Optical Fiber Technology (Elsevier)
- Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- China Communications (IEEE)
- International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking (Wiley)
- Journal of Network and Systems Management (Springer)
- Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
- International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (Springer)
- Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley)
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences (Elsevier)
- Performance Evaluation (Elsevier)
- Computer Networks and Communications (Elsevier book series)
- Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Wiley)
List of Paper Publication in UGC Approved Journals
List of Paper Publication in UGC Approved Journals here our main aim is with the journal manuscript publication service is to assist researchers in reaching academic success by offering tailored and expert support for publishing their research papers. If you face hardships in publication process ten we will help you out. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Public Money and Management | 9540962 | Accounting |
2. | International Journal of Finance and Economics | 10769307 | Accounting |
3. | Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice | 10185895 | Accounting |
4. | Journal of Finance | 221082 | Accounting |
5. | Journal of Financial Services Research | 9208550 | Accounting |
6. | Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | 10689508 | Surgery |
7. | Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | 22313796 | Surgery |
8. | Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo) | 9143491 | Surgery |
9. | HIP International | 11207000 | Surgery |
10. | Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery | 10431810 | Surgery |
11. | Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery | 1945998 | Surgery |
12. | Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery | 8863350 | Surgery |
13. | Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 7409303 | Surgery |
14. | Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie | 12107859 | Surgery |
15. | Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery | 3038467 | Surgery |
16. | Journal of Thermal Spray Technology | 10599630 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
17. | Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering | 10014381 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
18. | Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik | 7243472 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
19. | Tribology Transactions | 10402004 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
20. | Journal of Surface Science and Technology | 9701893 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
21. | Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology | 10040595 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
22. | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis | 1672991 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
23. | Journal of Tribology | 7424787 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
24. | Lubrication Science | 9540075 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
25. | Journal of Electrostatics | 3043886 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
26. | Journal of Adhesion | 218464 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
27. | Surface Engineering | 2670844 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
28. | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films | 7342101 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
29. | Interfaces and Free Boundaries | 14639963 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
30. | Applied Surface Science | 1694332 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
31. | Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry | 10440305 | Structural Biology |
32. | Journal of Structural Biology | 10478477 | Structural Biology |
33. | Micron | 9684328 | Structural Biology |
34. | Physical Biology | 14783967 | Structural Biology |
35. | Acta Anatomica Sinica | 5291356 | Structural Biology |
36. | Solid Earth | 18699510 | Stratigraphy |
37. | Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences | 20372272 | Stratigraphy |
38. | Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis | 16697316 | Stratigraphy |
39. | Acta Geologica Slovaca | 13380044 | Stratigraphy |
40. | SEPM Special Publications | 1060071X | Stratigraphy |
41. | Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering | 13552511 | Strategy and Management |
42. | Group Decision and Negotiation | 9262644 | Strategy and Management |
43. | Information Resources Management Journal | 10401628 | Strategy and Management |
44. | ILR Review | 197939 | Strategy and Management |
45. | International Journal of Services, Technology and Management | 14606720 | Strategy and Management |
46. | Statistica Sinica | 10170405 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
47. | Statistical Papers | 9325026 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
48. | Statistical Science | 8834237 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
49. | Statistics | 2331888 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
50. | Statistics and Probability Letters | 1677152 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
51. | Journal of High Technology Management Research | 10478310 | Strategy and Management |
52. | Interfaces | 922102 | Strategy and Management |
53. | International Journal of Conflict Management | 10444068 | Strategy and Management |
54. | International Journal of Industrial Organization | 1677187 | Strategy and Management |
55. | International Journal of Management Reviews | 14608545 | Strategy and Management |
56. | Test | 11330686 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
57. | Biometrika | 63444 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
58. | Finance and Stochastics | 9492984 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
59. | Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics | 10857117 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
60. | Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences | 2699648 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
61. | Theory in Biosciences | 14317613 | Statistics and Probability |
62. | Technometrics | 401706 | Statistics and Probability |
63. | Statistical Science | 8834237 | Statistics and Probability |
64. | Statistics | 2331888 | Statistics and Probability |
65. | Statistics and Probability Letters | 1677152 | Statistics and Probability |
66. | Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 17425468 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
67. | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical | 17518113 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
68. | Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | 1049250X | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
69. | Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems | 15614085 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
70. | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport | 23324309 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
71. | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT | 1440-2440 | Sport Sciences |
72. | JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY | 1058-2746 | Sport Sciences |
73. | JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE | 2095-2546 | Sport Sciences |
74. | JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY | 0895-2779 | Sport Sciences |
75. | JOURNAL OF SPORT MANAGEMENT | 0888-4773 | Sport Sciences |
76. | JOURNAL OF SPORT REHABILITATION | 1056-6716 | Sport Sciences |
78. | JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE | 1303-2968 | Sport Sciences |
79. | JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES | 0264-0414 | Sport Sciences |
81. | Language and Speech | 238309 | Speech and Hearing |
82. | Sprache Stimme Gehor | 3420477 | Speech and Hearing |
83. | Topics in Language Disorders | 2718294 | Speech and Hearing |
84. | AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication | 7434618 | Speech and Hearing |
85. | The South African journal of communication disorders. Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings | 3798046 | Speech and Hearing |
86. | European Journal of Mass Spectrometry | 14690667 | Spectroscopy |
87. | Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry | 2679477 | Spectroscopy |
88. | Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals | 3624803 | Spectroscopy |
89. | Journal of Mass Spectrometry | 10765174 | Spectroscopy |
90. | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy | 9670335 | Spectroscopy |
91. | Astronomy Letters | 10637737 | Space and Planetary Science |
92. | Astronomy Reports | 10637729 | Space and Planetary Science |
93. | Astrophysical Journal | 0004637X | Space and Planetary Science |
94. | Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series | 670049 | Space and Planetary Science |
95. | Astrophysics and Space Science | 0004640X | Space and Planetary Science |
96. | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2677261 | Soil Science |
97. | Journal of Soils and Water Conservation | 224561 | Soil Science |
98. | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | 103624 | Soil Science |
99. | International Agrophysics | 2368722 | Soil Science |
100. | Compost Science and Utilization | 1065657X | Soil Science |
101. | Reumatologia | 346233 | Rheumatology |
102. | Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Francaise) | 11698330 | Rheumatology |
103. | Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America | 0889857X | Rheumatology |
104. | Rheumatology | 14620324 | Rheumatology |
105. | Rheumatology International | 1728172 | Rheumatology |
106. | Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine | 18995276 | Reviews and References (medical) |
107. | Asia Pacific Scholar | 24249335 | Reviews and References (medical) |
108. | Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing | 220124 | Review and Exam Preparation |
109. | Clinical Teacher | 17434971 | Review and Exam Preparation |
111. | CURRENT OPINION IN PULMONARY MEDICINE | 1070-5287 | Respiratory System |
112. | ERJ OPEN RESEARCH | 2312-0541 | Respiratory System |
113. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY | 1010-7940 | Respiratory System |
114. | EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL | 0903-1936 | Respiratory System |
115. | TUBERCULOSIS | 1472-9792 | Respiratory System |
116. | Pulmonary Therapy | 23641754 | Respiratory Care |
117. | International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care |
| Research and Theory |
118. | Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education | 12259578 | Research and Theory |
119. | Seminars in Reproductive Medicine | 15268004 | Reproductive Medicine |
120. | Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation | 3787346 | Reproductive Medicine |
121. | Human Fertility | 14647273 | Reproductive Medicine |
122. | Human Reproduction | 2681161 | Reproductive Medicine |
123. | Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics | 10580468 | Reproductive Medicine |
124. | Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception |
| Reproductive Medicine |
125. | MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT | 1040-452X | Reproductive Biology |
126. | PLACENTA | 0143-4004 | Reproductive Biology |
127. | PLANT REPRODUCTION | 2194-7953 | Reproductive Biology |
128. | REPRODUCTION | 1470-1626 | Reproductive Biology |
129. | REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT | 1031-3613 | Reproductive Biology |
130. | ZYGOTE | 0967-1994 | Reproductive Biology |
131. | Environment | 139157 | Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment |
132. | Geothermics | 3756505 | Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment |
133. | International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development | 14746778 | Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment |
134. | Journal of Sustainable Forestry | 10549811 | Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment |
135. | Journal of the Electrochemical Society | 134651 | Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment |
136. | Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale | 684023 | Religious Studies |
137. | Traditio | 3621529 | Religious Studies |
138. | Journal of Semitic Studies | 224480 | Religious Studies |
139. | Arabica | 5705398 | Religious Studies |
140. | Church History | 96407 | Religious Studies |
141. | Journal of Moral Education | 3057240 | Religious Studies |
142. | Contemporary Jewry | 1471694 | Religious Studies |
143. | Dialog | 122033 | Religious Studies |
144. | Exchange | 1662740 | Religious Studies |
145. | Sefarad | 370894 | Religious Studies |
146. | Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin | 343552 | Rehabilitation |
147. | Technology and Disability | 10554181 | Rehabilitation |
148. | Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics | 1942638 | Rehabilitation |
149. | Journal of Biomechanics | 219290 | Rehabilitation |
150. | American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | 8949115 | Rehabilitation |
151. | Human Brain Mapping | 10659471 | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging |
152. | Annals of Nuclear Medicine | 9147187 | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging |
153. | Applied Radiology | 1609963 | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging |
154. | BMC Medical Imaging | 14712342 | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging |
155. | British Journal of Radiology | 71285 | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging |
156. | Physics in Medicine and Biology | 319155 | Radiological and Ultrasound Technology |
157. | Radiation Protection Dosimetry | 1448420 | Radiological and Ultrasound Technology |
158. | International Journal of Radiation Biology | 9553002 | Radiological and Ultrasound Technology |
159. | Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology | 3015629 | Radiological and Ultrasound Technology |
160. | Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine | 9685243 | Radiological and Ultrasound Technology |
161. | Radiation Measurements | 13504487 | Radiation |
162. | Radiation Physics and Chemistry | 0969806X | Radiation |
163. | Radiation Protection Dosimetry | 1448420 | Radiation |
164. | Radiation Research | 337587 | Radiation |
165. | He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques | 2533219 | Radiation |
166. | OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS | 0306-8919 | Quantum Science & Technology |
167. | PROGRESS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS | 0079-6727 | Quantum Science & Technology |
168. | PRX QUANTUM | 2691-3399 | Quantum Science & Technology |
169. | QUANTUM | 2521-327X | Quantum Science & Technology |
170. | QUANTUM ELECTRONICS | 1063-7818 | Quantum Science & Technology |
171. | Chest | 123692 | Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine |
172. | Chronic Respiratory Disease | 14799723 | Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine |
173. | Clinical Pulmonary Medicine | 10680640 | Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine |
174. | Clinics in Chest Medicine | 2725231 | Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine |
175. | European Respiratory Journal | 9031936 | Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine |
176. | Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics | 19306792 | Podiatry |
177. | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | 9715894 | Plant Science |
178. | Phytochemical Analysis | 9580344 | Plant Science |
179. | Phytochemistry | 319422 | Plant Science |
180. | Phytochemistry Reviews | 15687767 | Plant Science |
181. | Phytocoenologia | 0340269X | Plant Science |
182. | Journal of Biological Rhythms | 7487304 | Physiology (medical) |
183. | Journal of Clinical Neuroscience | 9675868 | Physiology (medical) |
184. | Klinische Neurophysiologie | 14340275 | Physiology (medical) |
185. | Motor Control | 10871640 | Physiology (medical) |
186. | Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology | 316768 | Physiology (medical) |
187. | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | 8940282 | Physiology |
188. | Nitric Oxide – Biology and Chemistry | 10898603 | Physiology |
189. | Archives Italiennes de Biologie | 39829 | Physiology |
190. | Peptides | 1969781 | Physiology |
191. | Chronobiology International | 7420528 | Physiology |
192. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A | 0217-751X | Physics, Particles & Fields |
193. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E | 0218-3013 | Physics, Particles & Fields |
194. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION | 0219-7499 | Physics, Particles & Fields |
195. | JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS | 1475-7516 | Physics, Particles & Fields |
196. | JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS | 1029-8479 | Physics, Particles & Fields |
198. | NUCLEAR PHYSICS A | 0375-9474 | Physics, Nuclear |
199. | NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES | 1001-8042 | Physics, Nuclear |
200. | NUKLEONIKA | 0029-5922 | Physics, Nuclear |