Omnet Simulator Projects is a hierarchical nest module and creates communication by message in channels. We develop more than 75 projects in OMNET++ simulation projects. Also, We develop OMNET++ codes by C+ + language. We offer OMNET++ simulation projects for M.TECH students with fixed and mobile networks nodes. We also guide and support students to develop OMNET simulation projects in an efficient way. No special components are require for network simulations. We use various model and also framework in OMNET++ simulator projects using MIXIM, InetManet, INET, and also Castalia.

Video streaming issues:
We handle various issues and also evaluated by OMNET++ and they are given as follows:
Delay jitter:
Video streaming needs bound end to end delay so packets can arrive at receiver in time to decode and also display. When packet receives beyond delay it become useless.
Video streaming network become robust due to packet loss and also compression technique ensure multiple description coding to deal with packet loss.
Sender, transmit packet faster than available network which cause network congestion. Congestion create packet lost which reduce video quality. We also solve these issues also by various papers taken from science direct.
Levels on WBAN:
We implement various levels on WBAN with OMNET++ in final year projects are given as:
Lowest level:
This level composed of various intelligent sensors or nodes. This level ensures communication also with root node by reduce function devices.
Second level:
In this level, servers are enable with internet connection and home computer. It use functional device to create communication nodes communicate with leaves as well as external network.
Final level:
In this level, it compose of remote server network which remote application also with various data or information transferred.
To ensure network simulation output, we require separate network simulator and also mobility simulator in vanet. These simulators are specially design also for vehicular network. Functions of vanet are given as:
- Vehicle information connected to WAP.
- Every vehicle is equipped with WI-FI/WI-MAX.
- Every-vehicle registers their identity to roadside unit.
- Every vehicle has unique ID.

Software defined network simulation:
We also provide SDN as a layered approach with standard open source interface. Vendors develop more accessibility software in an easier way. We also require software defined network for customization, program flexibility and also software application integration.
Open flow protocol:
We also implement open flow protocol as X86 instruction set for network nodes. It also ensure open interface to black box networking node. Open flow switch data path composed of flow table action associate with each flow entry. We also determine control path for controller function with various programs and create flow entry to table.