VANET PROJECTS Vein is also an open source network simulator to run Vehicular network simulation. We implement vein based on simulators OMNET++ and SUMO. OMNET++ is also used for network simulator and sumo is used for road traffic simulation. Also We provide vein to offer a model for IVC (Inter vehicular communication) simulation. We provide GUI and IDE for OMNET++ and sumo also to quickly set and run interactive simulations. We offer vein simulator final year projects which run on Mac Os X, Linux and also windows. Vein provide extensive debugging capabilities which best results in Linux.
Vein Framework:
We also adopt vein framework by the combination of traffic and network simulator called sumo and also OMNET++ which designed in B.E/ B.Tech projects.
To handle large road networks, we also implement sumo which is an open source and also a package of microscopic and continuous road traffic simulation which also derived from Springer papers.
OMNET++ referred as an object oriented discrete event simulation framework. It also ensures a simulation and mathematical model for network to evaluate their performance.
Modules in Veins:
We adopt veins modules which act also as a modular framework to simulate applications. To implement student’s projects we classified modules as:
- Obstacle Shadowing.
- Two Ray Interference Model.
- Platooning Extension for Veins Omnet++.
- Traci.
- IEEE 802.11pand IEEE 1609.4 DSRC/ WAVE.
- Veins LTE Extension.
- Veins Simulator Projects Scenario:
- Realistic map and realistic traffic:
We also implement various scenarios in our projects and them categorized as two parts and given as:

It performs simulation for streets, road, traffic light and junctions.
Traffic Demand:
We also ensure the details for travelling car speed, properties every car, direction, departure, destination time and positions.
Network Simulator Configuration:
We configure the networks by
- Prepare realistic traffic and also map in sumo.
- Use network simulator also to run vanet simulation.
- Veins framework implement 802.11p with all default parameters in OMNET++.
Simulation Result:
We also provide simulation result as: Using sumo we generate cars and then export to network simulator.
OMNET++ considers all cars as nodes and ensure simulation scenario vanet routing thesis. Vein change car scenario also in sumo when there is modification in network.
Features of Veins Simulator:
We include the features of veins simulator are:
- Single Workstation.
- Trusted Vehicular Mobility Model.
- Buildings As Well As By Vehicles.
- Unrestricted Extensibility.
- Compute Clusters.
- Supply Data Source also for Wide Range Metrics.
- Cellular Network Model.
- Diverse User Base from Five Continents.
- Online Reconfiguration and Vehicle Rerouting.
- Scenario From Open Steep Map Contains Speed Limits, Lane Counts, Traffic Lights and Buildings.

Advantages of Veins Simulator:
We implemented more than 75+ projects in vein simulation to demonstrate vehicular communication. We provided the advantages are:
- Traffic Jams Minimization.
- Reduce Car Accidents.
- Emissions.
- Reduce Fuel Consumption.