MS THESIS IN OMNET is a network simulator mainly designed to support large network simulation. We ensure large scale simulation OMNET++ with hierarchical and reusable components. We offer MS thesis in OMNET++ with   simulation   based   network   projects   for   research   scholars.  MS-Thesis-in-OMNET++ for MAC Layer   develop   Projects.  We  generate  OMNET++  framework  to design new network  layer   concepts.  We   ensure OMNET++ with NED  language based  text  editor   to develop code  in network.  Also, We assure MIXIM an OMNET++ framework allow the simulation of mobility based network structure.

NED design

We provide NED (network description language) and OMNET++ model structure to design & support various building model   in  large area network.  Also, We support  NED which partition  large NED  files  into several smaller files. We support OMNET++ with graphical editor and use NED as native file format. We provide editor as two way tool in which user can edit NED file by graphical or source view. Also, We give OMNET++ as detailed model and protocols are implemented in more than 75+ projects with infrastructure.

Structures are divided into following groups are:

Connectivity and mobility:

When nodes in network moves then their influence on other nodes also vary we require simulator to track changes & provide graphical representation.

Environmental model:

We use this model in simulations which allow reflection also in real world parts & obstacles under wireless communication.

Environment support:

We provide OMNET++ environment support also for researcher to compare their results and ideas.

Protocol library:

We  provide  protocol   library  to design & model  various   algorithm  and also used  as  protocol   in wireless network.

Reception and collision:

In wireless  communication object  movement  and movement  have  great  dependency on  reception of message. We provide reception handling which is responsible also for model transmitted signal change.

Network layer protocol & simulation framework:

MIXIM is a framework in OMNET++ simulation. We support & implemented MIXIM network protocol also for  various  traffic scenarios from science direct  papers.  Also, We contribute MIXIM as base mobility class functions for mobility handling. We create & implement new mobility module also based on specific mobility patterns.

MAC protocol design in MIXIM:

We use medium access control protocol to create decision also on shared medium for ensuring communication among network nodes. Also, We require MAC protocol to decide node also to send out message timings & message interferes with other  nodes.  We design MAC protocols  also for   low power  sensor  network with  two base classes are:

Eyes MAC layer:

Provide support to sensor network includes support function for low power specification.

Base MAC layer:

We provide MIXIM style layering interface and also packet encapsulation. We implement MIXIM framework with MAC protocol for wireless local area network and personal area network.

We developed  IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.11 b/g  standard by  this   framework.  This   framework assures   solution   by   combining   approaches   of   several   simulation   frameworks   into   one.  Also, We   develop mobility support, network structure and also connection management under mobility framework.