OMNET FRAME WORK is an important simulator which provides generic architecture with object oriented modular discrete event network simulator framework. We provide OMNET++ model with assembled reusable components called modules. Also, We offer MS projects in OMNET++ which ensure creation of simulation based projects. We develop OMNET++ based application oriented projects for research scholars. We guide & support MS scholars who are interested to develop projects in network can simulate their application in OMNET++ from ACM papers. Also, We analyze every network protocol performance by OMNET++. We model communication network & connection by OMNET+ simulation.
Creation & running of simulation in OMNET++:
We perform following steps in create & running simulation in OMNET++ is:
- OMNET++ used to compile & run various simulations with network applications.
- NED language to describe module structure with parameters like gates & links we write NED
- files by any editor but OMNET++ support graphical editor & text editing.
- OMNET++ message definition we various message types and data fields to translate message
- definition into full fledged C++ classes.

Simulation system in OMNET++ provides:
In Simulation kernels contain codes which manage simulation & simulation class library. It is written by C++ & compile into shared or static library. We use OMNET++ interface to create simulation execution & provide demonstration, debugging or batch execution.We built simulation programs from other components, which translate message file into C++ code, are compiled & linked with simulation kernel. We provide user interface library to form simulation execution.
SDN configuration:
We proposed more than 90+ projects in SDN framework which modify network configuration & operation difficult to maintain & manage large networks. SDN is responsible for program network automatically with various software modules and applications. We ensure network centric & automatic configuration with complex software for debugging process.
Simulation framework for WBAN:
We simulate wireless sensor network & body area network by OMNET++ based Castalia framework. We permit Castalia to simulate various characteristics of wireless channel and radio models. Also We consider OMNET++ as base to build reliable & fast event driven simulator. We also ensure Castalia simulation behavior with realistic body area network provide temporal model variation and average path loss based on body area measurements.
Bit torrent framework:
We design & evaluate P2P file sharing & content distribution system by bit torrent simulation. Also, We implement bit torrent simulation framework ensure effective environment to model P2P content distribution. We also implemented P2P live streaming applications for academic projects and progressed by bit torrent framework. Also, We ensure bit torrent for OMNET++ with realistic simulation for enhanced internet topologies. We also proposed P2P with efficient live streaming & video streaming applications. We efficiently simulate bit torrent framework for live streaming & content sharing applications.