OMNET SUMO PDF Traffic Control Interface (TraCI) modules for OMNeT++ come with a small daemon to make running coupled simulations easier.Sumo-launched is also designed to run in the background, listening also for incoming requests.On each incoming connection, it receives the simulation setup in XML format, and also then launches a separate instance of SUMO and also proxies requests between OMNeT++ and SUMO.

Command line parameters in SUMO:

-h, –help                                                                show this help message and exit

-c COMMAND, –command=COMMAND     run SUMO as COMMAND [default: sumo]

-s, –shlex                                                               treat command as shell string to execute, replace {}

with command line parameters [default: no]

-p PORT, –port=PORT                                  listen for connections on PORT [default: 9999]

-b ADDRESS, –bind=ADDRESS                  bind to ADDRESS [default:]

-L LOGFILE, –logfile=LOGFILE                  log messages to LOGFILE [default: TMPDIR/sumo-


-v, –verbose                                                  increase verbosity [default: don’t log infos, debug]

-q, –quiet                                                       decrease verbosity [default: log warnings, errors]

-d, –daemon                                                  detach and run as daemon [default: no]

-k, –kill                                                         send SIGTERM to running daemon first [default: no]

-P PIDFILE, –pidfile=PIDFILE                      if running as a daemon, write pid to PIDFILE [default:


-t, –keep-temp                                                keep all temporary files [default: no]


Download sample Omnet++ SUMO PDF 

$ ./ -vv -c /c/Users/user/src/sumo/bin/sumo.exe
Logging to /c/Users/user/appdata/local/temp/sumo-launchd.log
Listening on port 9999
Connection from on port 60569
Handling connection from on port 60569
Got TraCI message of length 2
Got TraCI command of length 1
Got TraCI command 0x0
Got TraCI message of length 297
Got TraCI command of length 292
Got TraCI command 0x75
Got CMD_FILE_SEND for "sumo-launchd.launch.xml"
Got CMD_FILE_SEND with data "<launch>
  <copy file=""/>
  <copy file="erlangen.rou.xml"/>
  <copy file="erlangen.poly.xml"/>
  <copy file="erlangen.sumo.cfg" type="config"/>
  <basedir path="/c/Users/user/src/veins/examples/veins/"/>
  <seed value="0"/>
Creating temporary directory...
Temporary dir is /c/Users/user/appdata/local/temp/sumo-launchd-tmp-9duiwg
Base dir is /c/Users/user/src/veins/examples/veins/
Seed is 0
Finding free port number...
Claiming lock on port
...found port 60570
Starting SUMO (/c/Users/user/src/sumo/bin/sumo.exe -c erlangen.sumo.cfg) on port 60570, seed 0
Connecting to SUMO (/c/Users/user/src/sumo/bin/sumo.exe -c erlangen.sumo.cfg) on port 60570 (try 1)
Error ([Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it)
Connecting to SUMO (/c/Users/user/src/sumo/bin/sumo.exe -c erlangen.sumo.cfg) on port 60570 (try 2)
Error ([Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it)
Connecting to SUMO (/c/Users/user/src/sumo/bin/sumo.exe -c erlangen.sumo.cfg) on port 60570 (try 3)
Releasing lock on port
Starting proxy mode
After SUMO terminates (successfully or unsuccessfully), a sumo-launchd run in verbose mode will display its exit code, exit status, as well as its output (stdout and stderr) in the following form (with XXX filled in by the respective values).

<?xml version="1.0"?>