Leach Omnet Code for different routing protocol and also associated files required for reducing energy cost set is given in full detail. In LEACH protocol uses round as unit, each round is also made up of cluster set-up stage and steady-state stage, for the purpose of reducing unnecessary energy costs, the steady state stage must also much longer than the set-up stage.It is also self adaptive and self-organized.LEACH Protocol is also a typical representative of hierarchical routing protocols.Follow and download sample also for routing protocol.

Characteristics of LEACH:

  • Application specific data processing system.
  • Randomized rotation of cluster heads and also the corresponding clusters.
  • Low energy media access control staging.
  • Global communication reduction also using local compression.
  • Localized co-ordination and control also for cluster setup and associated operation.


Types of leach routing protocols:

  • LEACH-M.
  • LEACH-C.
  • LEACH-A.
  • V- LEACH.
  • LEACH-F.
  • I- LEACH.
  • MH- LEACH.
  • LEACH-B.
  • LEACH-E.
  • Also TL- LEACH.

Sample Leach Omnet ++ code for Routing Protocol:

class ClusterMessageDescriptor : public cClassDescriptor
    virtual ~ClusterMessageDescriptor();
    virtual bool doesSupport(cObject *obj) const;
    virtual const char *getProperty(const char *propertyname) const;
    virtual int getFieldCount(void *object) const;
    virtual const char *getFieldName(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual int findField(void *object, const char *fieldName) const;
    virtual unsigned int getFieldTypeFlags(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual const char *getFieldTypeString(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual const char *getFieldProperty(void *object, int field, const char *propertyname) const;
    virtual int getArraySize(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual std::string getFieldAsString(void *object, int field, int i) const;
    virtual bool setFieldAsString(void *object, int field, int i, const char *value) const;
    virtual const char *getFieldStructName(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual void *getFieldStructPointer(void *object, int field, int i) const;

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