OMNET P2P PROJECTS LIVE STREAMING using Omnet++ simulation farmework: We consider peer to peer network for live media streaming over internet. Also, We adopt peer to peer network for streaming it ensures simplicity and scalability. We implement many protocols for peer to peer video streaming applications. And also We provide hybrid push pull live p2p video streaming protocol for B.Tech student’s projects.
We establish p2p streaming with PPM composed of two phases is:
- Pull Based
- Push Based
In pull based new peers are join to network and push based node is select based on overlay hop counts. We evaluate these phases by Omnet++ simulation framework.

Computer Network refer as a collection of computer & devices connect by communication device and transmission media. We also offer computer network project Omnet++ include various network model and communication. Also, We support computer network based projects are useful also for computer network and information technology students. We evaluate P2P video streaming based applications by Omnet++ simulation for academic projects. Also We compute SDN based network such as information centric network & data centric network by Omnet++ simulation model.

Information Centric Network:
We also implement this network from IEEE papers which is sub paradigm in SDN. It is also specially used in internet and open flow architecture. We also handle this network path calculations are evaluated under inter and also intra domain network by Omnet++ simulation.
Data Centre Network with Omnet++ Simulation:
We use data centre in host computation and intensive distributed application. Also, We provide data centric applications are distributed in nature and basic performance are affected by communication network. We also establish data centric application as large data flow and small control flow. Large data flow requires high throughput and small data flow need low delay. To satisfy these flows in network we also need efficient transmission control protocol.
Mobility Framework for Point to Point Network:
We use mobility framework to verify configuration changes and fault tolerant algorithm. Also, We use mobility mechanism to obtain network stability, identification of masquerade challenges and prevent data loss. We also develop peer to peer model mobility framework also to evaluate network configuration against all unexpected changes.
Cross Layer Approach:
We developed more that 90+ projects in Omnet++ simulation. Also, We support Omnet++ with point to multipoint transmission with quality of source. To simulate cross layer approach we also require test bed with real time demonstrator. We utilize real time demonstrator to monitor transfer rate, one way delay and also substrate networks. Also, We provide cross layer approach to enhance multimedia communication networks.