How to Install OMNeT++ in Windows

            Let’s check out the appropriate functions based on the installation of OMNeT++ in windows over this article “how to install OMNeT++ in windows”.

           As the first process, we have to install WSL 2 along with the functions of Ubuntu in windows. For, the PowerShell with the administrator privileges have to be opened and install the WSL subsystem through the implementation of the below mentioned commands.

wsl –install

          In addition, the Ubuntu 20.04 has to be installed and it is based on the Linux distribution over the Microsoft store.

          Then, particular version of OMNeT++ is downloaded through the below mentioned URL.


         Finally, OMNeT++ is installed through the implementation of the below mentioned commands.

cd omnet++-version

. setenv



          To this end, we believe that you guys have acquired the top to bottom way out of the installation of OMNeT++ in windows. If you have any issues just ring us and our technical experts will provide the required assistance.