Internet of Things Dissertation Topics

Internet of Things (IoT) is an advanced field that interconnects the billions of small devices including sensors, actuators, smartphones, etc. IoT comes with both software and hardware computations that make it smart. It is a common field that interconnects with more sensor networks, control systems, etc. Internet of Things Dissertation Topics focuses on working with more trends and ideas in Internet-connected technologies. Hereby we have enlisted the stimulating subjects based on IoT.

Important Features in IoT

Internet of Things is coming up from safety to entertainment applications. Since it uses to address or find a solution for the research problem. As we give a small list to know some of it. For example D2D communication in IoT Technology. The most significant characteristics of IoT on which it works are 

  • Connectivity
    • It refers to establish a proper connection between all the things of IoT to IoT platform it may be server or cloud
  • Analyzation
    • It comes to real time analyzation the data collected and use them to build operative business intelligence
  • Integration
    • IoT mixing the numerous models to improve the user experience as well
  • Active Engagement
    • IoT makes the connected technology, product, or services to active engagement between each other

For the abovementioned, the IoT spread over the communication of devices, sensors, and many more. On the one hand, the above information is the most important in IoT. On the other hand, Internet of Things Dissertation Topics must be wide to use in a number of fields. With this purpose in mind, we list out some of the supported protocols that are in IoT.

Internet of Things Dissertation Topics  for PhD MS Scholars

What are the IoT platforms?

  • Thing Worx (DDS, CoAP, PaaS, AMQP, Cloud-based MQTT and WebSocket)
  • Exosite (WebSocket, PaaS and Cloud-aided CoAP)
  • Microsoft Azure IoT Suite (HTTP, MQTT, AMQP  and PaaS, Cloud-based)
  • IBM IoT cloud (Centralized MQTT, HTTPS, Server)
  • Carriots (Cloud-assisted MQTT and PaaS,)
  • AWS – Amazon web services (HTTP, IaaS Cloud-aided MQTT)
  • AirVantage (WebSocket, CoAP, Cloud-based MQTT and PaaS)
  • Xively (HTTP, HTTPS and PaaS Cloud Computing-based MQTT)
  • EvryThng (MQTT, WebSocket, SaaS, CoAP and Centralized)

Today, a current digital world is witnessing the theatrical use of devices by end-users. Let’s watch it, on the whole, to know the trendy matters in IoT. Before going to talk about the trendy news of IoT, we want to discuss the details of application areas in IoT

What are the applications of IoT?

End user type

  • App Category – Human and machine oriented
  • Use case – Smart phone and monitoring sensor

Data rate

  • App Category – High, medium and low data rate
  • Use case – Streaming video cameras, connected cooking systems, energy and water meters


  • App Category – Delay sensitive and tolerant
  • Use case – Autonomous vehicles, health care sensors and waste management sensor


  • App Category – Long and short range
  • Use case – Smart framing sensor and smart home appliances


  • App Category – Low and ultra-low power
  • Use case – Smart retail sensor and pollution monitoring sensor


  • App Category – Mission critical and non-critical
  • Use case – Smart framing sensor and autonomous vehicles


  • App Category – High and low mobility
  • Use case – Smart traffic lights and autonomous vehicles

Notable applications in Internet of things are listed below,

  • Smart Buildings (home automation, alarm systems and smoke detectors)
  • Utilities (smart grid and metering management)
  • Smart Cities (waste management, parking sensors, smart bicycles and lightning)
  • Consumers (medical monitoring  and wearables kids/senior tracker)
  • Industrial (maintenance / process monitoring and control)
  • Agriculture (livestock tracking and agriculture / climate monitoring)
  • Transport and Logistics (goods tracking and fleet management)
  • Environment (environmental  and flood monitoring / alerts systems)

Quality of Service is a set of technologies, which deploys on a network to assure its ability to run steadily and huge important applications and traffic under limited network capacity. QoS technologies accomplish this by providing distinguished supervision and capacity allocation to specific flows in network traffic. Hereby we have listed down a few QoS in Internet of Things Dissertation Topics below,

QoS Metrics in IoT

  • Service Latency
  • Processing Capacity
  • Reliability
  • Bandwidth
  • Control Overhead
  • Packet Loss Rate
  • Throughput

To this end, we hope you get some recent research ideas and contributions in this field. Now is the time to select your research area and topic from this. If you want more recent Research Internet of Things Dissertation Topics, contact us. We will give you the best set of research topics and benchmark reference papers