Our research professionals have provided this article “Ns-2 download” to get to know about the process of downloading network simulator 2.
Basic Required Packages
Most significantly, we have highlighted the notable required packages which has to be installed using the below mentioned commands in Ubuntu 22.04.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev gawk
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-keys 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
Ns 2 Download
We have to download the Ns 2 and other supported components from the given URLS to install and create a network simulation research projects.

If you have any complications while executing in real time then make a call to us at any time and we are providing 24/7 research support.