OMNET INET MANET MANUAL is based on INET Framework.It is continuously developing framework and it provides the same functionality same as Omnet++ INET Framework. Also, It  contains additional components and protocols which are very much useful in modeling wireless communication.

Propagation models in INET MANET:

  • Rice.
  • Log normal shadowing.
  • Two Ray.
  • Nakagami.
  • Rayleigh.

Mobile routing protocols in INET MANET:

  • AODV.
  • OLSR.
  • DST.
  • DSDV.
  • DYMO.

Many different algorithm routing protocols using INET Manet can be obtained using different functionality coding.

Sample code of DSDV protocol in INET MANET.

manetroutingprotocol.hellomsgperiod_DSDV = 1 -manetroutingprotocol.manetroutingprotocol.timetolive_routing_entry = 5 # // ;[seconds]
netmask = "" # //
MaxVariance_DSDV = 1 
fixhost[*].numUdpApps = 1
host[*].numUdpApps = 0
fixhost[0].udpApp[0].destAddresses = "fixhost[1]"
fixhost[*].udpApp[0].destAddresses = ""
udpApp[0].localPort = 1234
udpApp[0].destPort = 1234
udpApp[0].messageLength = 512B
udpApp[0].messageFreq = 0.5s
udpApp[0].message_freq_jitter = uniform(-0.001s,0.001s)
udpApp[0].burstDuration = 0
udpApp[0].activeBurst = false
udpApp[0].activeBurst = true
udpApp[0].burstDuration = uniform(1s,4s,1)
udpApp[0].time_off = uniform(20s,40s,1)
udpApp[0].time_off = 0s
udpApp[0].time_end = 0s
udpApp[0].time_begin =uniform(0s,4s,1)
fixhost[*].udpApp[0].time_begin = 60s
udpApp[0].time_begin = 0.1s
udpApp[0].limitDelay = 100s
udpApp[0].rand_generator = 0