OMNET PROJECTS in network list is as follows,
- Radio communication network.
- Peer to peer network.
- Cross layer network.
Radio communication network using Omnet++ Projects.
Radio communication is a system of telecommunication utilizing electromagnetic waves of a particular frequency range to transmit speech or other sound over long distances without wires.
Features of radio communication network:
- Radio network capacity management.
- Coverage.
- Conversation privacy.
- Network manageability.
- Location services.
- Spectral efficiency.
- Long Distance coverage.
Applications of radio communication network:
- For Early warning disaster relief operations.
- Energy saving in green radio networks.
- Marine service.
- Used in aeronautical applications.
- Security.
Research on radio communication network:
- Communication planning and coordination.
- Achieving reliability.
- Reduce interference issues.
- Monitoring firefighter welfare and location on-scene.
- Terrain.
WirelessChannelSignalBegin *signalMsg = check_and_cast <WirelessChannelSignalBegin*>(msg); int srcAddr = signalMsg->getNodeID(); int receptioncount = 0; int cellTx = nodeLocation[srcAddr].cell; list < PathLossElement * >::iterator it1; for (it1 = pathLoss[cellTx].begin(); it1 != pathLoss[cellTx].end(); it1++) { if (cellOccupation[(*it1)->cellID].empty()) continue; float currentSignalReceived = signalMsg->getPower_dBm() - (*it1)->avgPathLoss; if (temporalModelDefined) { simtime_t timePassed_msec = (simTime() - (*it1)->lastObservationTime) * 1000; simtime_t timeProcessed_msec = temporalModel->runTemporalModel(SIMTIME_DBL(timePassed_msec), &((*it1)->lastObservedDiffFromAvgPathLoss)); currentSignalReceived += (*it1)->lastObservedDiffFromAvgPathLoss; collectHistogram("Fade depth distribution", (*it1)->lastObservedDiffFromAvgPathLoss); (*it1)->lastObservationTime = simTime() - (timePassed_msec - timeProcessed_msec) / 1000; } if (currentSignalReceived < signalDeliveryThreshold) continue; list < int >::iterator it2; for (it2 = cellOccupation[(*it1)->cellID].begin(); it2 != cellOccupation[(*it1)->cellID].end(); it2++) { if (*it2 == srcAddr) continue; receptioncount++; WirelessChannelSignalBegin *signalMsgCopy = signalMsg->dup(); signalMsgCopy->setPower_dBm(currentSignalReceived); send(signalMsgCopy, "toNode", *it2); nodesAffectedByTransmitter[srcAddr].push_front(*it2); } //for it2 } if (receptioncount > 0) trace() << "signal from node[" << srcAddr << "] reached " << receptioncount << " other nodes"; break; }