Introduction about Veins simulator: Veinsare a kind of simulation framework or tool for vehicular environments and it is an open-source platform. It has a performance that extended unrestrictedly. This veins simulator must need SUMO and Veins OMNeT++ simulations also.
“This article is ready to serve a piece of knowledge about one of the wireless simulators that are Veins simulator and its working process, modules, projects in veins simulator and its feature. Let we start”
Veins OMNeT++
We also know veins are based on vehicular networks with open source software and it is must have already existed two simulators that is SUMO and OMNeT++. This OMNeT++ is also an open-source platform and it mainly deals with discrete events in a distributed system and SUMO is used for a large number of the road network, especially used in traffic light management in urban areas. This is supported by the suitable model that is the IVC simulation process.
The above contents are insisted some basic ideology about veins simulator. Let us enter into the technical part of the Veins OMNeT++ simulator. Now, we will discuss the use of veins in the simulation process.
Use of Veins
To improve the vehicular realistic it can use the comprehensive simulation model and its act without changing their speed of simulation process.
- Let us assume there are black cars are in the east side of the road if the accident happens it can be simulated as 0, duo to this veins this information is sent to the other drivers which are in that particular region and also provides the re-route for the drivers. This is useful for avoiding traffic jams.
- For quick and interactive simulations here we use OMNeT++ and SUMO is providing IDE and GUI of this simulation.
From the above part, we will discuss one advantage of the veins simulator. Then we will discuss the working of the Veins simulator. For the combination of SUMO and Veins OMNeT++, this veins simulator is working. Sumo is a road traffic simulation which is having some domain for traffic engineering and OMNeT++ is handling the discrete events.

Working of Veins OMNeT++
- In Veins, the Network simulator is performed by using modeling tool kit MiXiM in the physical layer and OMNeT++ this is useful to accurate radio interference model by moving and static obstacles.
- This simulation is performed under online mode to the bi-directional couple of both OMNeT++ and SUMO simulators.
- To give the comprehensive framework for constructing a vehicular network along with a domain-specific model.
This kind of framework is easy to study and also easy to use. These steps of the process are done in the veins simulator. Next, we will move on to the next topic that is modules in the veins simulator.
Modules in Veins with OMNeT++ Simulator
- This simulation model has a number of OMNeT++ modules it is useful to initiate the simulation process running and also give functionalities.
- Veins have suitable IVC models. This model provides a framework for particular applications to select the perfect component.
- We assign in SUMO simulator like one vehicle has one network.
- Using the TraClScenarioManagerLaunchd module that handles the above task and this network is connected to the TraCl server that contains veins_launched or SUMO and performs vehicle movement and creation.
- Vehicles are created by SUMO that also gets some compound module for OMNeT++ to run the Simulation of OMNeT++. The assigned compound module is having the performance of mobility because of the tool TraClMobility.
- Due to the TraCl mobility, the stopping point of the vehicle is also defined through the parameters like accidentDuration and accidentStart.
- Here, there are some parameters in TraClScenarioManagerLaunchd that is,
- RoiRects: It is used for simulating the Region of Interest and vehicles.
- UpdateInterval: Update the time intervals of the SUMO simulation.
- Seed: Seed of random number and that is used to configure the SUMO.
- ModuleType: Every driving vehicle has OMNeT++ vehicle.
- Port: veins_launchd is connected by the TCP ports.
So the above section we are discussing modules in veins OMNeT++ simulator. In the upcoming topic, we will go through the projects which are made by the veins framework. Here we will discuss three project frameworks that are implemented by the veins simulator. There are, Veins_INET, Veins_MATLAB, and Veins_python.
- These projects are mainly done in the framework for Veins and also have the INET4 or INET3 for gaining mobility.
- This project has the framework called INET which is performed in veins simulator including,
- Network emulation
- Full IPv4/IPv6 stacks
- Bit-precise PCAP traces
- Wired networking
- Mobile ad-hoc network protocol.
- These kinds of model libraries are act based on the INET framework for example,
- 5G NR-V2x
- 4G/5G cellular networking
- C-V2x
- Another mobile broadband technology that it 3gpp LTE.
- Library functions are based on the Simu5G.
- This project is also called an externally-hosted project and this project indicates simulation link modules and use of MATLAB in veins Simulation.
- OMNeT++ consider as a simple module that is HelloMatlab.ned the calling function is testFunction.m. This is the example of Veins_MATLAB projects.
- This is also an externally-hosted project and it provides a service to the python language in the Veins simulation. Consider OMNeT+++ simple model that is and have a function with parameters funtest(a,b) it is said to be a py2veins.
- testfun ()function calls the already defined sample module in OMNeT++ that is
These three are mainly constructing vehicular networks using veins omnet++. Then we will discuss the veins-Gym application that is based under the Machine Learning domain. It is the most popular domain in current days. Machine learning also plays a main role in a vehicular network. Then we will see about the machine learning concept in Veins Simulator.
Veins Gym under Machine learning
- This veins-gym is mainly developed for the purpose of tooling.
- It is an Intelligent Transportation System that is a more beneficial approach for Reinforcement Learning.
- Vehicular Ad-hoc Network is an environment that is used for researches and for RL training and establishes the interface with ML toolkit to common scenarios.
Finally, we will go to the topic features of Veins OMNeT++ simulator. It has more features because of combining other already existing two simulators that are OMNeT++ for deals with the discrete event simulation in distributed system and SUMO simulator that mainly handles the traffic management and maintain the large area of the road network.
Features of Veins Simulator
- From the five continents, it is supported a diverse and solid user base.
- It offers the extensibility that is unrestricted because of fully open-source software.
- For a wide range of metrics it serves the data source also contains emission and travel time.
- It gives permission for online re-routing and also online re-configuration based on the packets of the network.
- Vehicles and buildings are caused by shadowing effects to overcome this effect here employees validate the inexpensive model computationally.
- It have a fully detailed model that is DSRC/WAVE network layer, IEEE 1609.4, IEEE 802.11p and including,
- QOS channel access.
- Interference and noise effect.
- Multi-channel operating
- It is possible to import all scenarios of OpenStreetMap that contains,
- Turn and Access restriction.
- Speed limit
- Traffic light
- Lane count
- It also have the third-party module in the INET framework for example,
- 4G/5G cellular networking
- It also has Visible Light Communication is implemented through MATLAB/Simulink.
- For the simulation of MRIP distributed function in a parallel manner to deploy the cluster computation.
- It can be useful for simulating the real-time signal workstation with block-level simulation.
These are the few features of the Veins simulator with OMNeT++ and SUMO. So far we will discuss the entire concept of the Veins simulator. We hope this article is useful for gaining your knowledge about this Veins OMNeT++ Simulator. We have more number of developing and developed projects related to this topic. We experts have well knowledge and modern ideas about this Veins simulator. For more clarifications kindly contact us.