Do you guys want to know about the functionalities of OMNeT++ in WSN? If yes, then take a glance over this article because we have described all the substantial notes about the uses of OMNeT++ in wireless sensor network simulation.
Most significantly, the utilizations of OMNeT++ in WSN are enhanced to make a communication in the network along with the RF transceivers, user interface devices, microcontrollers, machine controllers and sensors. As well, we have highlighted the source code for the configuration based on WSN node.
package inet.linklayer.common;
import inet.linklayer.contract.IMACProtocol;
import inet.linklayer.contract.IWirelessNic;
import inet.physicallayer.contract.packetlevel.IRadio;
module WirelessNic like IWirelessNic
string interfaceTableModule;
string energySourceModule;
string macType;
string radioType;
*.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(interfaceTableModule));
*.energySourceModule = default(absPath(energySourceModule));
input upperLayerIn;
output upperLayerOut;
input radioIn @labels(IRadioFrame);
mac: <macType> like IMACProtocol {
radio: <radioType> like IRadio {
radioIn –> { @display(“m=s”); } –> radio.radioIn;
radio.upperLayerIn <– mac.lowerLayerOut;
radio.upperLayerOut –> mac.lowerLayerIn;
upperLayerIn –> { @display(“m=n”); } –> mac.upperLayerIn;
upperLayerOut <– { @display(“m=n”); } <– mac.upperLayerOut;
Additionally, we have highlighted creation of sample WSN simulation through the deployment of OMNeT++ 6.0.1 over the following image.
To this end, we are providing the assurance based on appropriate guidance for the research scholars.