What is OMNeT ++ Used For

           In general, OMNeT++ is functional in various real time processes and this article is about the depiction of the highlights of OMNeT++ utilization.

          The OMNeT++ is mainly utilized to research and teaching tool and it is the open source simulation models and model frameworks that are utilized in the academic spectrum. In addition, OMNeT++ is considered as commercial version and it is about OMNeT++ simulation framework.

          On the other hand, we have highlighted the two significant network simulation model frameworks for the OMNeT++.

  • INET framework
  • OSPFv4
  • MPLS
  • 11b/g
  • Ethernet
  • IPv6
  • IPv4
  • TCP
  • Mobility framework
  • It is about the creation of wireless and mobile networks along with the OMNeT++ and the provision such as
  • MAC models including IEEE 802.11b
  • Several mobility models
  • Radio model

          We have highlighted some fundamental utilizations of OMNeT++ and if you have any queries you can reach us.