OMNET WBAN PROJECTS – Wireless body area network:We provide wireless body area network (WBAN Projects) for research scholars which ensure communication and optimized for low power device based operations. Also, We connect every device with person in body area network.

WBAN communication:

We also propose WBAN communications into two types are:
  • Intra body communication.
  • Extra body communication.
  • Intra body communications refer as data transfer among within a body of particular person.
Types of WBAN
Types of WBAN

Access network connection also in body of corresponding person extra body communication exchange data among body & network device. We also ensure patient monitoring system take extra body network connection & permit monitoring of physiological parameters.

Application area of sensor and WBAN:

We also implemented sensor & WBAN in following application area are:

  • Body area network applied also in entertainment & sport oriented applications. Wireless sensor &
  • BAN ensure comfortable living environment for human life.Applied in military network also for security purpose & provides break less communication among individuals & people.Health care application of wireless sensor network aid also to provide solution for asthma,cancer, glucose level monitoring, heart problems & stress monitoring.
  • We use smart biosensor for continuous monitoring of patients.
Applications of WBAN projects
Applications of WBAN projects


OMNET++ is an object oriented discrete event modular network simulator framework. We provide OMNET++ which support wired and wireless communication network model. We offer M.TECH projects in networking OMNET++ to design various new applications in network area for college projects. We analyze various model and application by OMNET++ and Castalia framework. We simulate various networks such as wireless sensor network, wireless body area network and streaming application from Elesvier papers. We use OMNET++ to provide infrastructure & tool to write simulation.

Castalia simulation:

We use Castalia simulator for wireless sensor network and body area network. We implement Castalia simulation platform for both research and developing applications. Also, We also use Castalia to test various distributed algorithm & protocol in realistic wireless channel. We evaluate various performances characteristics of specific application by Castalia framework.

Castalia features:

We also adopt the features of Castalia are Full support under various mobile nodes.Advanced channel model & radio model.Castalia model define path loss maps.Network interference handled also by received signal strength.

Wireless sensor network:

We also implement wireless sensor networking projects for final year students composed of wireless sensor node a heterogeneous nodes spread over large field. Also, We implement wireless sensor network which is the combination of wireless sensing & network data. It contains one or more sensors, processor, memory power supply, radio and also actuator.

Types of wireless sensor network:

We implement the following types of wireless sensor network are:
  • Unstructured wireless sensor network.
  • Structured-wireless sensor network.Unstructured wireless sensors network also a dense collection of nodes with Adhoc deployment and require high maintenance.
  • Structured wireless sensor network has scarely distributed nodes and also formed by pre planned deployment.