Queue utilization with hop based enhanced arbitrary inter frame spacing MAC for saturated ad HOC networks

Path length of a multi hop Ad Hoc networks has an adverse impact on the end-to-end throughput especially during network saturation. The success rate of forwarding packets towards destination is limited due to interference, contention, limited buffer space, and bandwidth. Real time applications streaming data fill the buffer space at a faster rate at the source and its nearby forwarding nodes since the channel is shared. The aim of this paper is to increase the success rate of forwarding the packets to yield a higher end-to-end throughput. In order to reduce loss of packets due to buffer overflow and enhance the performance of the network for a saturated network, a novel MAC protocol named Queue Utilization with Hop Based Enhanced Arbitrary Inter Frame Spacing based (QU-EAIFS) MAC is proposed for alleviating the problems in saturated Ad Hoc networks.

The protocol prioritises the nodes based on its queue utilization and hops travelled by the packet and it helps achieving higher end-toend performance by forwarding the packets with higher rate towards the destination during network saturation. The proposed MAC enhances the end-to-end performance by approximately 40% and 34% for a 5hop and 6hop communication respectively in a chain topology as compared to the standard IEEE802.11b. The performance of the new MAC also outperforms the performance of IEEE 802.11e MAC. In order to validate the protocol, it is also tested with short hops and varying packet sizes and more realistic random topologies.

E-MAnt Net: An ACO-Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), nodes are mobile and have limited energy resource that can quickly deplete due to multi-hop routing activities, which may gradually lead to an un-operational network. In the past decade, the hunt for a reliable and energy-efficient MANETs routing protocol has been extensively researched. This paper proposes a novel Ant Net-based routing scheme for MANETs (so-called MAnt Net), and an its enhanced energy-aware version (so-called E-MAnt Net), for which the routing decisions are facilitated based on the nodes’ residual energy.

These protocols were evaluated through simulations using NS2, showing that E-MAnt Net outperforms both MAnt Net and EAODV, in terms of network residual energy, network lifetime, number of established connections, and the number of dead nodes in the network, where E-AODV is an energy-aware version of AODV.

Trust aware routing framework for OLSR protocol to enhance performance of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

The Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) comprising of collection of mobile nodes interconnected by wireless links are widely used in various applications including strategic applications. Thus MANETs constitute a self-organized wireless mobile ad-hoc networks which do not relay on any centralized fixed network infrastructure. Every node can act as router to forward packets between source and destination nodes. The routing security of forwarded data is extremely important in many strategic applications, including military applications.

Due to various types of attacks, the routing security is greatly affected leading to degradation in the performance of MANETs because of presence of malicious nodes among the forwarding nodes. In this paper, a strategy based on trust aware routing has been suggested for Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol. The modified OLSRM protocol using trust aware routing framework has been proposed. The performance of new protocol OLSRM is evaluated for the two types of attacks viz. Black Hole Attack and Self Behavior Attack. The comparison of MANET performance using original OLSR and modified OLSRM protocol has been presented for 1000×400 square meter network area and results are discussed.

Real Time Net Zero Energy Building Energy Manager with Heterogeneous Wireless Ad hoc Network Adaptable To IoT Architectures

Significant energy consumption by buildings from utility grid has made researchers revisit existing Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS). Most of the developing countries have taken a green initiative of Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) to reduce carbon foot print and fast depletion of conventional energy sources. Though the integration of solar and wind based systems to grid is successful in recent years, residential building energy management systems with renewable energy sources is still an evolving research area. Monitoring, control and actuation systems should be tightly coupled with the help of any to any device communication namely Internet of Things (IoT) to realize an efficient NZEB. In this paper a real time NZEB is proposed and developed with bi-directional wireless sensor and actuation system.

Proposed NZEB central server collects and maintains a database of on site solar generation, battery state of charge and load power consumption data of a building with help of IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. Proposed system was deployed as a test bed with sensing, control, actuation and server modules and connecting them with a bi-directional wireless network architecture similar to IoT. Data observed at experimental test bed confirm that developed system can estimate on site solar power generation, state of charge on battery bank and load power consumption with negligible error. A simulation study with experimental data collected at NZEB test bed shows that NZEB can optimally schedule loads between local generation and utility grid thereby minimizing peak demand on the grid.

MERVS: A Novel Multi-channel Error Recovery Video Streaming Scheme for Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks

Accompanying the increasing interest on Vehicle Adhoc Networks (VANETs), there is a request for high quality and real-time video streaming on a VANET, for safety and infotainment applications. Video Streaming on a VANET faces extra issues, comparing to the video streaming on a Mobile Ad-hocNetwork (MANET), like the highly dynamic topology. However, there are also benefits in VANETs, like large buffer and battery capacity, predictable motion of vehicles and powerful CPU and GPU. However the high packet loss ratio of a VANET is a critical issue for high quality video streaming. In this work, we propose an error recovery process for high quality and real time video streaming in a VANET, which is call Multi-channel Error Recovery Video Streaming (MERVS).

MERVS transmits the video through two different channels: reliable channel and unreliable channel. Because the importance of the I-frames in terms of video quality, I-frames will be transmitted through the reliable channel. The inter frames will be transmitted through the unreliable channel, because the limited resource of the reliable channel. The Priority Queue, Quick Start and Scalable Reliable Channel (SRC) techniques are also integrated to improve the delay of MERVS. Based on the conducted simulation results, MERVS can provide higher quality video streaming comparing to Forward Error Correction (FEC) with the similar time delay compared with the RTP/UDP in a VANET.

A dual step energy detection based spectrum sensing algorithm for cognitive vehicular ad hoc networks

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are fundamental in order to improve safety and road efficiency. In this framework inter-vehicle communications play a primary role. To this aim several vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication standards have been developed. The most important is IEEE 802.11p that operates in ISM band (5.85-5.92) GHz. Unfortunately at these frequencies communication ranges are limited and Doppler effect could not be neglected, especially when the carrier spacing of the adopted modulation techniques is close to 1 kHz, as it happens in modern standard for digital mobile communications.

In order to overcome these issues, a possible solution could be the adoption of a dynamic spectrum access model able to identify frequency holes in UHF band. In this framework, this paper presents a novel approach to spectrum sensing based on the application of a dual step energy detection algorithm. It has been designed and tailored to be effective in identifying DVB-T signals. A test campaign carried out in simulation environment has confirmed the goodness of the proposal.

A rank sequence method for detecting black hole attack in ad hoc network

This paper discusses one of the route security problems called the black hole attack. In the network, we can capture some AODV route tables to gain a rank sequences by using the FP-Growth, which is a data association rule mining. We choose the rank sequences for detecting the malicious node because the rank sequences are not sensitive to the noise interfered. A suspicious set consists of nodes which are selected by whether the rank of a node is changed in the sequence. Then, we use the DE-Cusum to distinguish the black hole route and normal one in the suspicious set.

In this paper, the FP-Growth reflects an idea which is about reducing data dimensions. This algorithm excludes many normal nodes before the DE-Cusum detection because the normal node has a stable rank in a sequence. In the simulation, we use the NS2 to build a black hole attack scenario with 11 nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce much vain detection.

Reliable position based routing algorithm in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network

Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a wireless communication network with frequent changes in its topology due to unpredictable movements of vehicles. The frequent changes of network topology make the data packet transmission and routing process very difficult. Among various routing algorithms available for VANET, different position based routing algorithms which use the position information of neighbor nodes have been proposed. However, dynamic movement direction and speed of vehicles can easily break the communication between nodes.

Nonetheless, due to various aspects (i.e. neighbor nodes locate at the edge of sender’s transmission range or change their mobility between beacon transmission intervals.) that have not been considered in the existing methods, there still exists a possibility of communication disconnection. In this paper, we propose a reliable and effective intermediate node selection algorithm to improve the routing problem. The key component of the proposed algorithm is selecting the reliable intermediate node from the mobility information included in beacons. Extensive number of simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing methods in terms of end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio.

Design of adaptive traffic signal re-timing in vehicular ad-hoc network

In this paper we intend to use vehicular ad hoc network to together and assemble real -time speed and position information on single vehicles to optimize signal control at traffic byroad. first specify systematically the vehicular traffic signal control difficulty as a job scheduling difficulty on processors with job equivalent to platoons of vehicles. Then jobs are planned using an online algorithm called Oldest Job First (OJF) algorithm to reduce the interruption across the roundabout. The OJF algorithm is 2-competitive imply that the intrusion is less than or equivalent to twice the interruption of an optimal offline schedule with just right knowledge of the arrivals.

It show that, how a VANET is used to group vehicles into about equal-sized platoons, which can then be schedule using OJF. The two-phase advance are used, where first advance is to collection the vehicular traffic into platoons and then apply the OJF algorithm, i.e. the oldest arrival first (OAF) algorithm. Our simulation (.Net ) result shows that, However, further analysis is needed in order to obtain the useful information for traffic management such as real time traffic density and number of vehicle types transient these roads. This paper presents tragedy vehicle alert and traffic density calculation methods used.

Multi-channel MAC protocol with Directional Antennas in wireless ad hoc networks

IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) is based on Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA). However, the CSMA-based access protocol with omnidirectional antennas can cause the serious unfairness or flow starvation. By exploiting the multiple channels and using the directional antennas, nodes located in each other’s vicinity may communicate simultaneously. This helps to increase the spatial reuse of the wireless channel and thus increase the network performance.

In this paper, we propose a Multi-channel MAC protocol with Directional Antennas (MMAC-DA) that adopts IEEE 802.11 Power Saving Mechanism (PSM) and exploits multiple channel resources and directional antennas. Nodes have to exchange control packets during the Announcement Traffic Indication Message (ATIM) window to select data channels and determine the beam directions which are used to exchange data packets during the data window. The simulation results show that MMAC-DA can improve the network performance in terms of aggregate throughput, packet delivery ratio and energy efficiency.