Design and development of peer to peer web caching technique for mobile Ad-Hoc networks: A review

In this paper we analyze one technique for web caching in MANET. MANET stands for Mobile Ad HocNetwork which is an evolving concept. There are many emerging researches focused on MANET aspects such as routing and caching. Among them, the lack of efforts done on MANET web caching is acknowledged. As the node in MANET is moving, the web caching is difficult task.

The paper reviews the traditional web caching techniques to improve the performance of MANET. In previous techniques, Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc (B.A.T.M.A.N.) is a web caching protocol which is implemented for MANET. The overall performance of B.A.T.M.A.N. is more time consuming. The proposed technique improves the performance of web application in MANET by reducing internet bandwidth. Also preserves the energy consumption. This peer to peer web caching concept purely focused on web applications in MANET.