Invited Talk: IoT Protocols War and the Way Forward

IoT (Internet of Things) is expected to usher in an era of closely connected world through advanced connectivity of devices, systems and services. IoT goes beyond M2M (Machine to Machine) communication and covers a wide variety of protocols, domains and applications. It is estimated that more than 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things by 2020. The Internet of Things promises a technological revolution, but for it to work well, all the devices need to speak the same language. But, currently the ecosystem is fragmented with too many protocols.

The talk focuses on the various protocols that are currently dominating the IoT landscape. There are protocols like MQTT used for collecting device data and communicating it to servers, XMPP used for connecting devices to People, AMQP which is a queuing system designed to connect servers to each other, CoAP which is a specialized web transfer protocol for use in constrained nodes and networks, 6lowPAN which is protocol for using IPv6 over low power and lossy networks, HTTPasRESTful API, Zigbee Standards, AllJoyn Framework, Bluetooth, Wifi, UPnP, DNP3 etc. Some of these have already gained traction, while some of them are fast picking up in the IoT landscape.