Omnet++ Network Simulator

What is OMNeT++? One of the finest network simulators in networking and communication is OMNeT++. It is popularly known for its modularity. It comprises component-based libraries which are developed in C++. Overall, this framework is well-suited for designing, developing, and simulating different kinds of networks. Omnet++ network simulator supports the communication of both wired and wireless networks. Further, it extends its support in queueing networks, on-chip networks, and many more. In particular, it is recognized as domain-specific as performance modeling, ad-hoc networks, internet protocols, wireless sensor networks, etc. 

This article is prepared to convey to you about new updates of the OMNeT++ network simulator along with fundamental information!!!

What is OMNeT ++ used for?

The term “OMNeT++” is expanded as Objective Modular Network Testbed plus means extensibility. As mentioned earlier, it is intended for simulating networks at different scenarios to identify the network behavior and performance in various conditions. It is one among non-commercial simulators to support academics, research interested people, and tutors for teaching.    

Is OMNeT open source?

In recent days, OMNeT++ is preferred by many developers due to its open-source feature and other networking capabilities. It is not used to design and simulate networks but also microprocessors, distributed systems, and parallel systems. Overall, it performs all sorts of modeling and wireless communication in heterogeneous networks/systems.

How do I use the OMNeT ++ Network Simulator?

Now, we can see why the OMNeT++ simulator is suggested for network simulation. The main reason to recognize OMNeT++ as their first choice of tools is Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is a sophisticated framework with sufficient libraries, modules, toolboxes, etc. In the simulation, you have to design a model in a hierarchical arrangement of network communication modules. To define the topology of the model, you can use NED (network description) language. For modifying the topology, you can use a text editor or graphical editor in the eclipse-assisted OMNeT++ framework. 

What is omnet in WSN?

OMNeT++ network simulator is largely used in the development of wireless sensor networks (WSN). WSN is nothing but a colossal group of connected wireless sensors to collect data from the environment and distribute them within the network for further process. This communication is effectively established through the OMNeT++ simulator. In this, the central point of the WSN framework is marked through OMNeT++ Simulation. Next, we can see the importance of the INET framework in OMNeT++ network simulation

What is the INET framework?

  • The primary model library of OMNeT++ is INET Framework (open-source)
  • This model is mainly used to design and evaluate new/existing protocols in various scenarios
  • This model is equipped with sufficient agents and protocols to support students/researchers do their study on communication networks 

Similar to the INET framework, there are more components significantly incorporated with the OMNeT++ tool. Here, we have given you the basic components for modeling and simulating networks using the OMNeT++ simulator. Our developers have long-term practice in practicing OMNeT++ simulators, so we are adept to work on every angle of the OMNeT++ tool to develop customizable networking and communication applications.  

Omnet++ Network simulator Projects with source code


  • Eclipse-based IDE for simulation platform
  • Kernel library developed in C++ for simulation
  • Network utilities like makefile creation tool and others
  • NED language for defining network topology 
  • Qtenv-based graphical support for dynamic interactive simulation 
  • Sample simulation and documentation
  • Cmdenv-based interface for command-line execution / simulation
  • And many more


Generally, the OMNeT++ network simulator has a C++-based simulation kernel that uses a C++ compiler for execution. It supports platforms like Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Based on our handhold scholars/students requirement, we develop network projects in any of these platforms.  

Once the platform is confirmed, the next step is to start the design of the proposed network. For your information, here we have given you the fundamentals of network design in the OMNeT++ tool. From the beginning itself, OMNeT++ is intended to support a huge scale of the network. To achieve this goal, it has the following design requirements. 


  • Need to minimize the error correction time by offering debugging and visualization support to models
  • Need to increase the reusability of exiting network components and also models need to be organized in hierarchical order 
  • Need to offer enhanced IDE and interface to enable generate processed input/output files, model development, and assessment
  • Need to provide network planning software that supports embedding simulation, modular events, and custom-based simulation for huge-scale applications

In addition, we have also given you the two important Library / Framework of OMNET++ simulators. One is FloRa Framework and the other is WirelessHART Framework. In this way, we also support you in other major and minor libraries and frameworks. Further, if you want to know other technical information then approach us. We are here to clarify your doubts and give you more information on your requested phase. 

Library / Framework of OMNET++


Mainly, wirelessHART utilizes a simulation library from OMNET++ network simulator. Then, it effectively constructs the simulation framework by way of a unified discrete event-driven network simulator. This constructed framework is able to integrate the operations of both industrial wireless network and control system 


The word “FLoRa” represents Framework for LoRa. Mainly, it is a framework used for designing and simulating LoRa networks. It works based on the OMNeT++ simulator which further supports INET framework entities. Below, we have given you general purposes of FloRa along with key characteristics and requirements 

  • General Purpose of FloRa
    • At first, it enables to create module modules of a network server, nodes, and gateways for LoRa networks
    • Then, it uses application logic as independent modules which connect with the network server
    • Next, it comprises adaptive data rate to manage configuration parameters for nodes and server
    • At last, it collects the information of energy usage of each node
  • Characteristics
    • Included any number of gateways in the simulation network
    • Accurately design PHY layer of LoRa with capture impact and collision
    • Accurately collect the statistics of energy usage in the network
    • Include backhaul network design in end-to-end simulations
  • Prerequisite 
    • INET framework 4.3.1
    • OMNeT++ 6 pre 10 and other new versions

Wireless HART Protocol Stack 

Now, we can see how the wireless HART protocol stack will be developed using the OMNeT++ simulator. In OMNeT++ simulation, it is necessary to design wireless HART protocol stack as a standard wireless industrial network. And the main objective is given as follows, 

  • It supports simulation framework with external functional modules from other OMNeT++ packages used for simulation

Consequently, wirelessHART standard protocol stack is designed to model wireless connections in the TE plant. And also, it establishes communication among process control systems.

Our developers will provide you with complete support in developing and simulating wireless HART. We are good at implementing WirelessHART MAC protocol with a suitable channel model (by IEEE reference) in OMNET++. Further, here we have also given you the core functionalities of WirelessHART standard in network simulation for your better understanding.

Network Simulation of Wireless HART 

Let’s have a fast glance over the functionalities of the wireless network simulator which works based on WirelessHART standard. 

  • Flexible to establish data sharing among end-to-end layers of protocol stack via packet-based messages
  • Easy to incorporate main methods in every open interface and layer modules to ease the performance assessment process
    • In particular, the application layer module acts as an interface with controller modules and TE process 
  • Enable to perform mapping process among node’s MAC ID and network ID through third-party ARP module. This is implemented in the global function module of the INET framework package 
  • Using the DLL module, we can design TDMA MAC 

Sample Scenarios 

Now, we can see how to define the basic scenario in omnetpp, ini file. We simulate the developed network model in multiple scenarios. This helps to analyze the behavior and performance of the network in different scenarios and settings. The below-specified sample scenario is placed in the FLoRa simulation directory. Let’s have a quick look at the key features of creating a simple scenario using the OMNeT++ network simulator

Key Features for Simple Scenario Creation 

  • State the configuration of the backhaul network through cloudDelays.xml file and connections of the backhaul network through the package. ned
  • Construct the network with 1 network server, 1 node, and 1 gateway
  • Disable the ADR in both nodes and network server 
  • Select the transmission power and spreading factor of each node in default settings
  • Set the simulation time bound for 7 days along with 1-day warm-up period 
  • When the exponential distribution time (100s) is reached then the node transmits a packet 

Once all the above features are configured then simulate the network. The simulation results will get stored in the simulation directory as statistics files. Then, these statistics of simulation will be displayed in OMNeT++ graphical user interface. Similarly, you have to create different scenarios for your proposed project.

 To sum up, we give thorough assistance in developing network projects using the OMNeT++ network simulator. We support not only in OMNeT++ tool but also other network simulation tools such as NS3, GlomoSim, NetSim, NS2, PeerSim, LTESim, QualNet, OPNET, etc. And also, we are skilled enough to handle all sorts of advanced libraries, packages, modules, etc. on these tools. So, make a bond with us to create a flawless network simulation on your interesting simulator.