Video streaming in autonomous Mobile Robot using Wi-Fi

An Autonomous Mobile Robot is used to travel from one source to destination using two or more wheels. In order to reach a target where the person could not reach that particular destination, they must depend on some non-human called Mobile Robots. The Proposed work contains Autonomous Arduino Yun four wheeled mobile robot is allowed to move from source to destination position for finding a path, avoiding the obstacles and Video Streaming.

These are achieved using a Wi-Fi technology, by avoiding the existing work with Bluetooth technology which is less secure and covers only shorter range. The best path is identified by using an Aggrandized Genetic Algorithm (AGA) which is best compared to few other algorithms. In order to achieve a secure communication and travelling to a longer distance when critical situation occurs to the person for reaching a destination from source, the Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n) is useful for reaching the task.