Dissertation Topics on Delay Tolerant Networks

Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a network that provides backing on long delays and data loss among challenged networks. Our Dissertation Topics on Delay Tolerant Networks is keen to give you end-to-end support in DTN Network. In general, DTN has a high potential to support various dared situations and setups in limitless applications.

            Exclusively this page is about the promising research ideas in the study of the DTN field. To tell the truth, this research area reaches the place of global growth in the research world. So, the research candidate who is interested in DTN can make use of this site to know important updates about DTN. To begin with, let’s have a speedy glance over emerging research topics.

Top 10 Research Dissertation Topics in Delay Tolerant Network

  • Cross-layer Designing of DTN
  • DTN Data Management with Analytics
  • Network Security, Confidentiality, and Trust in DTNs
  • DTN designs, protocols, and procedures
  • Testbeds, and Case Studies of DTN
  • DTN- Data Fusion, Scheduling
  • Bundle Protocols with its Applications
  • DTN based Social Network Analysis
  • Store-Carry-Forward Routing
  • DTN Simulation and Modelling
  • IoT Applications over DTN

DTN is anticipated to get extensive value but often acts as a merging substrate on the network layer. In the meantime, it enables several heterogeneous radio access networks and other applications to inter-operate. Moreover, DTN serve as a dynamic convergence substrate for all below specified models,

And also, it allows interoperation in the inter-device distance which is from the very short-range to very long (like inter-planetary ones). Next, our Dissertation Topics on Delay Tolerant Networks step out with some problems that PhD followers facing in recent research.

Latest Dissertation Topics on Delay Tolerant Network

What are the research challenges in DTN?

Here, we have addressed some major and upcoming challenges in DTN. Even though you are new to this field, the below-prescribed research issues open-up blockage of your research mind.

  • Extreme transmissions delay which results from either physical link properties or prolonged network partitioning periods
  • Effective routing operational ability with recurrent-disconnection, pre-scheduled, or opportunistic link accessibility
  • Risky per-link error rates forming end-to-end reliability difficult
  • Heterogeneous underlying network techs (with non-IP-based internets)
  • In advance of data transfer, limit the network access by application design and security technique (mainly in the case of the large round-trip-times framework)

Why we have specified Routing means “In DTN, routing earns more importance in reaching a data delivery rate maximization and delay optimization in low overhead”. Hence, it obtains a special place in the DTN research field.

Routing In DTN

The DTN protocol suite can function either in tandem along with the terrestrial IP or independently. And, DTN offers a guaranteed data delivery based on store-and-forward mechanisms which run automatically. Every acknowledged data packet is directly forwarded without delay. On contrary, forwarding is not probable at present time but it has a chance to be possible in the future. At that time, only the next hop needs to be avail in DTN utilization. For illustration, our technical researchers’ emphasis on Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN) routing is one of the leading routing areas for your knowledge.

VDTN Routing

  • Flooding (Coding based) – Epidemic Routing Protocol
  • Knowledge-based Forwarding – Prior Knowledge, History of Node Encounters, Location information, PROPHET, and Geographic Routing
  • Random Forwarding – Deterministic and Stochastic
  • Location-based Routing – Single Copy and Multi-Copy
  • Optimization-based Routing – GeoOpps (Geographic Opportunistic routing for vehicular networks) and RAPID (Resource allocation protocol for intentional DTN)

One should be more precise in choosing a research problem because it is not just a topic to start research, more than that it directs the research journey. So, you should be more particular while handpicking research questions and answers. Accordingly, Dissertation Topics on Delay Tolerant Networks has listed some research issues in routing characteristics.

Research Issues of Routing in DTN

  • Improved Operations and Situational Awareness – The DTN store and forward mechanism with spontaneous retransmission offers more in-depth vision into measures during communication outages. It happens as a result of relay or ground station handovers and bad atmospheric conditions.
  • Interoperability and Reuse – A consistent DTN protocol suite permits ground stations interoperability with spacecraft despite space agency. In addition, it lets NASA utilize the same communication protocols for upcoming assignments like low-Earth orbit, near-Earth orbit, or deep space.
  • Space Link Efficiency, Utilization, and Robustness: DTN empowers more dependable and competent data transmissions which yield high bandwidth usage. Further, DTN also advances link reliability which is achieved through multi-network paths and assets for potential communication hops.
  • Security: Then to accomplish integrity checks, authentication, and encryption, DTN Bundle Protocol Security is enabled.
  • Quality-of-Service: The DTN protocol suite allows for many priority levels to be set for different data types, ensuring that the most important data is received ahead of less important data.

We have specialized novelists and developers who have years of experience in handling Delay Tolerant networks. From our experience, we have well-equipped skills to guide scholars in all modern trends in DTN. And, we are glad to share our updated knowledge in the DTN network with you.